Public Relations & Publicity

Public relations (PR) and publicity are as old as human communication. Public relations is good will and positive feelings people have about you or your business.
In its most basic form public relations is any contact you have with another person.

PR takes many forms: When you satisfy a customer, put your time and energy towards a worthy cause, project a positive image, have good standing in your community, or exchange ideas in your network.

Publicity is not advertising. With advertising you pay for space whether it is print, radio, television or banner ads on the internet. There is always a tangible proof where advertising is concerned. Public relations is not paid-for media in the sense that a person’s good recommendation or a testimonial in the press happens because it is given. There is no guarantee that your press release will run or that a reporter will cover an event or news story. The effects of good PR are far-reaching and are worth more than the advertising you could buy because it is another person’s endorsement. Publicity tells your customers and clients that you and your business rate recognition. Public relations spells credibility for you and your business. Just keep in mind what you think is newsworthy may not be the case with the media.

In the next blog we will talk about target markets, creating a media list, and who’s who in the media. Publicity is simply letting people know through the media what you are doing, why and what it means to them. Keep alert to anything that can create publicity. While not everything may be accepted, the media people need to be educated about your business and the industry and know the local source or spokesperson.